Bank Loan Interest Rate

Loan Interest Rates

  • All below interest rates are issued by Hong Leong Bank Vietnam Ltd for reference only. We reserve the right to change interest rates without prior notice, to see here for details.
  • Please call our Call Center at 1900633068 for the latest rate.

1. Housing Loan

1.1 Sub-sales & Personal Secured Loan

Applicable duration: Loan application is disbursed from 12 December 2024 to 31 January 2025

Prime rate: Learn more

Duration and loan purpose  First year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th onward
Fixed for 1 year

6.00% p.a. or

6.20% p.a. for loan amount less than VND 3billion

Prime Rate* (-)  0.75% p.a
Prime Rate* (+)  0.49% p.a
Fixed for 2 years For acquiring real estate in projects according to the list of projects empaneled by HLBVN

6.20% p.a. or

6.35% p.a. for loan amount less than VND 3billion

Prime Rate* (-)  0.75% p.a
For acquiring house with certified ownership
For house construction/ renovation, and other purpose

6.45% p.a. or

6.70% p.a. for loan amount less than VND 3billion

Fixed for 3 years

7.20% p.a. or

7.75% p.a. for loan amount less than VND 3billion

Prime Rate* (-)  0.75% p.a

The minimum loan tenor must be from 05 years (60 months) and the minimum approved loan  amount must be from VND400 million, otherwise, normal lending rate of HLBVN will be applied.

(*) Prime Rate will be rate promulgated by HLBVN from time to time

1.2 Early Repayment Fee

The 1st year The 2nd year The 3rd year The 4th year 5th onward


prepaid amount


prepaid amount


prepaid amount


prepaid amount


prepaid amount

2. Auto Loan

2.1 Auto Loan

Effective date: from 13th December 2023

Prime rate: Learn more

Duration  1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th onward
Fixed for 1 year 7.60% p.a. Prime Rate* + 0.99% p.a. Prime Rate* + 1.69% p.a.
Fixed for 2 years 8.6% p.a. Prime Rate* + 0.99% p.a.

The minimum loan tenor must be from 04 years (48 months) and the minimum approved loan  amount must be from VND300 million, otherwise, normal lending rate of HLBVN will be applied.

(*) Prime Rate will be rate promulgated by HLBVN from time to time

2.2 Early Repayment Fee

The 1st year The 2nd year The 3rd year 4th onward


prepaid amount


prepaid amount


prepaid amount


prepaid amount

3. Fixed Deposit Loan (FDL)

Effective date: From 12 Dec 2024

FDL Secured by foreign currency Less than VND 2bio From VND 2bio
Secured by USD From 1.25% p.a. From 1.15% p.a.
Secured by AUD From 5.50% p.a.

From 5.30% p.a.

Secured by EUR
From 5.80% p.a.
From 5.60% p.a.
Secured by GBP
From 3.90% p.a.
From 3.70% p.a.

1.2  Early Repayment Fee